And I want to pull them aside, and encourage them to stop. Stop looking to others for your happiness.
MAKE TIME FOR YOURSELF – what makes you happy? Hiking? Mountain climbing? Water skiing? Cooking? Fishing? Reading online sports magazines? Writing?
- You need to make time for these things and ask your friends and family to support you.
- Need a 30 minute break from 2-3 screaming kiddos? Call a friend to come stand in (call me) while you take a short walk, jog, nap, bath.
- Plan a weekly date with yourself – 30 minutes carved out for you. And turn the TV off. That is not time for yourself.
- Sign up for a cooking, yoga, tap dancing class… does not matter what – just do it for yourself.
LET GO – stop keeping score.
- Forgive past wrongs and daily thoughtlessness.
- Just move on. Seriously. It will make you feel better. You will feel lighter. I promise this is for you, not them.
DO SOMETHING NEW – whether it is asking for help or volunteering for the first time, go out of your comfort zone.
- Take a 5k class – or sign up for yoga.
- Meet new people volunteering
- Get out of your house, your comfort zone and do something new.
- Call an old friend and stop waiting for people to call you. REACH OUT. SERVE. NOW.
REALIZE YOUR HAPPINESS IS TOTALLY UP TO YOU – and no one else. So go find it and stop blaming your job, schedule, crazy kids, unhelpful spouse, etc.
I know I am getting all sorts of preachy. But this magazine is not just about the fun stuff, it is about the fun stuff that makes our lives better. About balance. About life, and adventures that build and fulfill. About being our best selves in the world, by enjoying life. Life is a gift. Don’t waste it standing around waiting for someone else to make yours better.