Is is summer?
It was 95 degrees this week in Virginia.
My dry-cleaner told me yesterday he is headed to the beach next week.
Teachers have few days left in the classroom.
Farmers Markets are selling bright red cherries and if you listen, you can hear the sharp mechanical sound of an ice cream truck a few blocks away.
It is summer. No matter what the lunar calendar says.
So what kind of summer will it be for you?
The first year my husband and I were married, he played golf on summer weekends. He now spends summer Saturdays on local rivers, usually fishing, and as of late, paddling. The white water has a stronger pull on his spirit than a manicured course.
As a kid, I spent most summer days at the pool from sun up until sundown. Swim practice. Snack. Swim. Snack. Swim more. Go home. Eat. Finally take suit off after 10 hours. Dream of swimming.
My twin brother spent those days playing baseball, catch, t-ball with friends. On rainy days, he would watch baseball or listen to the games on local radio.
Summer is such a gift. An excuse to focus on something, play, explore and enjoy.
So what will this be the summer of in your world?
The summer of taking your time.
– perhaps you will make pie crusts, ice cream and other summer treats from scratch
– perhaps you will visit local farmers markets or farms before the quick trip to the airconditioned store with fruits from thousands of miles away
Or maybe this is the summer for trying new things
– you could make new friends at a festival or two
– or teach your kids to love nature at a local summer camp
Before long, the leaves will be brown, red, gold and the air will be crisp and cool. Enjoy summer. Get out there. Take a hike. Trip. Walk. Swim. Read more. Take your time. Enjoy the sun and make this a summer of….. blessings.