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Trauma Tuesday: Tough Mudder Clothesline Edition

The Tough Mudder series of races is not for the squeamish and for good reason – read about the race’s first death during competition here. The races are long and the obstacles vary from cold water plunges to wall climbs to running through wires coursing with electricity. The race is intense to say the least.

It’s the Electroshock Therapy obstacle that gets the guy in the video above, and no, it’s not the guy who takes a digger at :05. You can tell the wires are working from the guy who flinches at :13 just as the true victim is sucking his doors off trying to get through without feeling the wrath. The worst part is the guy looks like he is making good time and in a healthy rhythm. Nothing like an electric clothesline to put a hitch in your giddy-up. But he’s a tough mudder, so he stayed in the game, which is commendable given he just got jacked off his feet. He’s lucky his head didn’t pop off, and you can tell he is physically hurt as well as emotionally demoralized as he slumps away.

Love how the woman with the volunteer shirt just walks on by giving no assistance – if that is even a real Tough Mudder volunteer, which she may not be. Or maybe volunteers are instructed to not give assistance – that’s just another obstacle in the race. And the announcer with his two cents for the crowd: “Wow. You don’t see that every day.”

No, you certainly don’t.

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