Weekend Pick: Goodwill Mud Run

The 12th edition of the Goodwill Mud Run takes place this Sunday, October 6th in Greenville, South Carolina. The race, presented by St. Francis Sports Medicine, is a 3.5 mile course filled with 35 obstacles including climbing walls, cargo nets, low crawls, swings, and (of course) a giant mud pit. Runners will participate in teams of 4, all competing against each other for an official time.

Registration is currently open on-line but quickly filling up. Reserve your spot now! Start times will be emailed out once registration is complete. The sign-up fee is $140 and all proceeds help fund the long-term mission of Goodwill Industries. Specifically, this program assists people in becoming independent through education and training, ultimately leading them to employment.

It goes without saying, but just in case, be sure to wear clothes that you don’t mind throwing away. They will, without a doubt, be covered in mud. A running, trail, or hiking shoe is required on the course. No flip flops or barefoot running allowed.

There will be a costume and t-shirt contest for participants. Let the race crew know if you plan to enter and they will snap a photo. These will later be judged the week after the event. The winning team from each category will receive $150 and runner-ups will receive $100. Keep your designs family friendly!

Kids, ages 4 and up, are welcome to play in the Kid Zone. This will be a smaller scale course where they can also participate. Registration will take place on race day.

Like any event, volunteers are crucial. Race day staff is in need of people to help with set-up, registration, parking, time keeping, obstacle judging, and tear down. Fill out a waiver on the Mud Run site and then choose a task for the day.

Enjoy lunch, a free massage, cold beverage, and hot shower after the event. You’ll have earned it!

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